Working Papers N° 957: Sovereign Credit Spreads, Banking Fragility, and Global Factors


Working Papers N° 957: Sovereign Credit Spreads, Banking Fragility, and Global Factors

Autor: Anusha Chari , Felipe Garcés , Juan Francisco Martínez , Patricio Valenzuela


This study explores the relationship between sovereign credit risk, banking fragility, and global financial factors in a large panel database of emerging market economies. To measure banking fragility, we construct a novel model-based semi-parametric metric (JLoss) that computes the expected joint loss of the banking sector conditional on a systemic event. Our metric of banking fragility is positively associated with sovereign credit spreads, after controlling for the standard determinants of sovereign credit risk, a comprehensive set of measures of systemic risk, and country and time fixed effects. The results additionally indicate that countries with more fragile banking sectors are more exposed to global (exogenous) financial factors than those with more resilient banking sectors. These findings underscore that regulators must ensure the stability of the banking sector to improve governments’ borrowing costs in international debt markets.


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