Índice de Ventas Online del Comercio Minorista (IVOCM)
Financial Policy
In Chile, the Central Bank has the explicit mandate to contribute to the financial stability and shares this responsibility with the Financial Market Commission. In this context, Financial Policy consists of the set of measures adopted by the Central Bank of Chile to reduce systemic risk in the financial sector, in order to contribute to financial stability.
What Measures Does the Central Bank Take to Contribute to Financial Stability?
I. Financial Stability
To identify and monitor risks, which are regularly communicated to the public, since 2004 and on a semiannual basis, through the Financial Stability Report.
II. Prudential and Exchange Regulations The design and implementation of policies contributing to the secure and efficient functioning of the financial sector, through prudential and exchange regulations issued by the Central Bank of Chile based on the powers conferred upon it by its Constitutional Organic Law and other regulatory bodies.
III. Participation in the Financial Stability Board The operation of coordination mechanisms with regulators through the Financial Stability Board and the prior consultation mechanisms established in law.