In this page

  • Economic Expectations Survey – EES

  • Financial Traders Survey– FTS

  • Banking Credit Survey – BCS

  • Household Financial Survey

  • Encuesta de Determinantes y Expectativas de Precios (EDEP)

  • Encuesta Nacional de Uso y Preferencias del Efectivo (ENUPE)

  • Encuesta de Percepciones de Negocios (EPN)

Economic Expectations Survey

Survey is sent on a monthly basis to a select group of academics, consultants and executives or advisors of financial institutions. It closes the day after knowing the CPI of the previous month, and the results are published the day after its reception, at 8:30 approximately at
The survey period comprises the week prior to publication.

Financial Traders Survey– FTS


The FTS is aimed at those responsible for financial decisions representing the different industries of the local financial market and foreign entities that actively operate with Chile. Local agents include banks, pension fund managers, insurance companies, stock brokers, mutual funds, savings and credit cooperatives and other local agents.

Banking Credit Survey – BCS


This survey is sent to the executives responsible for the credit areas of financial institutions, and aims to know their perception about the approval standards of new loans and funding demand the banking system is receiving. The results of this survey allow us to obtain information regarding the behavior of credit and aggregate demand for better understanding of the economic and financial factors that explain its evolution.

Encuesta de Determinantes y Expectativas de Precios (EDEP)

La Encuesta de Determinantes y Expectativas de Precios es una encuesta continua, que tiene por objetivo generar información sobre la dinámica de ajuste y expectativas de fijación de precios desde la perspectiva de las empresas.