On this page

  • National Accounts

  • External Sector

  • Monetary and Financial Statistics

  • Integrated Derivatives Information System (SIID-TR) and Foreign Exchange Statistics

  • Experimental Statistics

  • Statistical Releases

  • Bulletin

  • Charts set

  • Glossary of economic terms


Among its duties, the Central Bank has to publish the main national macroeconomic statistics in a timely manner, including those related to currency, exchange, balance of payments and national accounts, as well as other global economic and social accounting systems. The statistics processed by the Bank are published on a daily, weekly, quarterly or annual basis, and include the elaboration of National Accounts, Balance of Payments, indexed units of account such as the UF, the exchange market, interest rates, monetary aggregates, international reserves, trade balance, securities markets and external debt, among others. The Bank’s research and studies on statistical subjects follow the highest international standards.

Latest news and publications

/ Notice/ Press

Mantención de la Base de Datos Estadísticos (BDE)

26 July 2024

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/ Notice/ Press

Programa operaciones especiales, semana 29 de julio al 02 de agosto de 2024

11 February 2022

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/ Notice/ Press

Encuesta Operadores Financieros Pre Reunión de Política Monetaria Julio 2024

25 July 2024

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/ Statistics

13 March 2024

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/ Circular Letters/ Regulations

Carta Circular 729 - Informa actualización de los Procedimientos de Continuidad Operacional del Sistema de Liquidación Bruta en Tiempo Real (LBTR) del Banco Central de Chile

25 July 2024

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/ Board Agreements/ Regulations

Acuerdo 2644-01-240606 – Designación de miembros titular y suplente del Consejo Técnico de Inversiones

23 July 2024

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/ Press/ Press releases

Banco Central designa a nuevos integrantes del Comité para la Fijación de Límites a las Tasas de Intercambio

23 July 2024

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