The objective of the Central Bank of Chile as an autonomous technical body of constitutional rank is to ensure the stability of the currency and the normal functioning of internal and external payments. For this reason, the legal system has conferred upon it broad regulatory powers in matters of monetary, credit, financial and international exchange matters (Articles 108 and 109 of the Constitution, Article 3 and Title III of the Constitutional Organic Law).

Economic rules

This legal framework and the provisions issued by the Bank in accordance therewith constitute economic public policy regulations, since they are mandatory regulations applicable to the development of economic activities. The rules that the Board may adopt on this matter take the form of Agreements (included here along with other instructions or resolutions of the Bank intended to apply or implement them) communicated by means of Circulars or Circular Letters.

The Compendia of Regulations (approved by the Agreements) are included separately. They are systematized and updated compilations of general regulations concerning specific matters, namely the Compendium of Monetary and Financial Regulations and its Manual, the Compendium of Financial Regulations, and the Compendium of International Exchange Regulations and its Manual.

Finally, the documentation concerning recent processes of Public Consultation on Regulations is also included.

The Circulars and Circular Letters are communications issued by the Central Bank of Chile, through which certain regulatory changes are reported to the general public or to economic agents participating in the financial market.

Thus, the Circulars inform the public of the issuance, validity, modification or suppression of regulations contained in the Compendia of Regulations and their respective Manuals.
Furthermore, Circular Letters are used to inform the issuance of rules or instructions of an operational or particular nature applicable to particular types of regulated entities, including banks, entities of the Formal Exchange Market, pension fund administrators, insurance companies, mutual fund administrators, stockbrokers and securities brokers, the unemployment fund administrator, securities transport companies, and companies administering Law No. 20,345, among others (for example, as members of the Bank’s Primary Market for Debt Instruments).

The higher direction and management of the Central Bank is the responsibility of the Board, as well as to exercise the powers and fulfill the duties entrusted to the Bank by law.

This collegiate body expresses its will through Agreements, which are adopted at Board meetings held in accordance with the rules of constitution and quorum established in the Constitutional Organic Law.

Reproduction of extracts of agreements or resolutions of a particular nature adopted by the Board, which, duly certified by the Minister of Faith, are published for the purpose of public dissemination and notified in the manner provided for in Article 68 of the Constitutional Organic Law.

Internal Regulations


The Board of the Central Bank of Chile has the authority to issue the necessary internal regulations for its proper functioning and that of the Bank. It is also responsible for issuing the general rules to which the Bank must adjust its operations, in addition to approving the Bank’s staff regulations (Articles 6, 11, 18, 81 and 81 bis Constitutional Organic Law). This site provides access to the Internal Regulations for the Functioning of the Board and other Regulations adopted by the Board, such as those relating to Staff Regulations and the Use of Electronic Documents and Advanced Electronic Signature.

Latest publications

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/ Press/ Press releases

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/ Press/ Press releases

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/ Board Agreements/ Regulations

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