Strategic Plan (2023-2027)


Each strategic planning process begins with a review of the achievements and progress of the previous plan, together with an exhaustive analysis of the external and domestic environment. In this way, the objectives are defined and the work to be developed over the next five years is projected.

The strategic plan for 2023-2027, called “Our Mandate, Our Commitment”, is contained in this document, a tool that defines the respective strategic focuses, proposed objectives and different initiatives to achieve them.

This content is the result of an intense collaborative and participatory work that received the valuable contributions of all those who form part of this institution and its most relevant reference groups”

Closing of Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022)


This document describes the fulfillment and outcome of the Strategic Plan for 2018-2022 of the Central Bank of Chile, which was prepared and launched by then Governor Mario Marcel and headed in its final phase by succeeding Chair Rosanna Costa.