
Studies in Economic Statistics N° 8: Política monetaria y tasas de interés: una aproximación empírica

Autor: Roberto Toso


As from issue number 50, the Series of Economic Studies of the Central Bank of Chile will be called Studies in Economic Statistics.

Studies in Economic Statistics disseminates works of investigation in economic statistics carried out by professionals of the Central Bank of Chile or by specialists or external consultants. Its content is published under exclusive responsibility of its authors and it does not reflect the opinion of the Central Bank. These documents normally are definitives and are not made available in any other media such as books or magazines.


El énfasis de este trabajo se centra en los determinantes pr6ximos de la tasa de interés. Debido a la importancia que en general se le asigna a esta lasa como indicador y guía de política monetaria, resulta de interés investigar empíricamente la forma en que se determina.