Studies in Economic Statistics N° 131: Revisiones en cuentas nacionales trimestrales Chile 2006-2019
The Monthly Economic Activity Index (Imacec) is an estimate that summarizes the activity of the different branches of the economy in a given month, at prices from the previous year; its inter-annual variation constitutes an approximation of GDP evolution. The calculation of the Monthly Economic Activity Index is based on multiple supply indicators, which are weighted by the share of economic activities in the previous year’s GDP.
The Monthly Economic Activity Index is published on the first business day of each month taking into account a lag of 31 days in relation to the month being measured. In addition to this, a breakdown is published which distinguishes mining from all other activities —mining and non-mining series—, as well as the series at factor cost. All series are presented in both original and seasonally adjusted figures.
Consistent with the established publication policy, the Monthly Economic Activity Index series are revised along with the quarterly and annual national accounts.