
Monday, February 3, 2020

December 2019’s monthly index of economic activity, Imacec


According to preliminary information, in December 2019 the Imacec rose 1.1% over the same month a year before. The seasonally-adjusted series rose 3.5% with respect to the previous month and 0.6% in twelve months. The month came with one working day more than December 2018.

The mining Imacec increased 3.7%, while the non-mining index increased 0.8%, owing to the performance of construction and manufacturing activity. This result was partly offset by a drop in educational services. In seasonally-adjusted terms, and with respect to the previous month, the mining and non-mining Imacec increased by 2.7% and 3.6%, respectively.

As per the publication calendar, National Accounts figures, together with our 2019 GDP estimates and revisions to first-, second-, and third-quarter statistics, will be released next 18 March.