Statistics of the Central Bank Balance Sheet
Statistics of the Central Bank Balance Sheet
The Statistics of the Central Bank Balance Sheet provide information about the implementation of monetary and exchange policies, in addition to their relationship with fiscal policy over time.
The Balance Sheet figures are presented grouped by Assets (Foreign Reserve Assets and Domestic Assets), Liabillities (Monetary Base, Central Bank Documents and Deposits and Obligations) and Equity.
The official Bank Balance Sheets are those presented in the Financial Statements approved by the Board, which are presented according to IFRS.
Related information
- International Reserves
- Exceptional Measures Adopted by the Central Bank of Chile
- Program for the replacement and expansion of International Reserves
- Annual Report (Spanish)
- Annual Financial Statements (Spanish)
- Monthly Financial Statements (Spanish)
- Documents of interest (Spanish)
- Boletín Estadístico
- IMF Standardized Reports – Foreign Central Bank Statistics