Foreign Direct Investment is the Balance of Payments (BP) and International Investment Position (PII) category, which records the investments of a resident entity of an economy (direct investor), in another economy or country, for the purpose of significantly influence or control the management of your investment, which implies a long-term relationship. The international recommendation suggests that direct investment materializes when the direct investor has at least 10% of the company's voting power. FDI transactions, which include: capital contributions, reinvestment of profits, debt, as well as the income generated by these investments, which are accounted for in the BP. On the other hand, the stocks of assets and liabilities are recorded at the International Investment Position (IIP).


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Methodologies and studies

/ Publications/ Research-Papers

N° 102 Studies in Economic Statistics N° 102: Metodología de Medición de la Inversión Extranjera Directa en las Estadísticas Externas de Chile

31 October 2013

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Studies in Economic Statistics N° 109: Inversión Extranjera Directa en Chile: Mecanismos de Ingreso y Compilación para la Balanza de Pagos.

30 November 2014

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