External debt corresponds to the outstanding stock, at a given point in time, of the actual liabilities assumed by resident agents of an economy vis-à-vis the rest of the world (non- residents), with a commitment to make future payments of principal, interest or both. Therefore, shares and other capital participations, financial derivatives and contingent liabilities (such as credit lines), which have no obligation to pay principal or interest, are excluded. Debt in Chile is presented at market value, that is, including price variations for tradable instruments, specifically bonds.

The debt balance at the end of a period corresponds to the outstanding balance of the previous period, adding the new credits minus principal and interest payments, plus other variations (price, exchange rate and/or other adjustments).


Related information

Methodologies and studies

/ Publications/ Research-Papers

Studies in Economic Statistics N° 105: External Debt Profile of Chilean Companies

30 May 2014

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