Elías Albagli

Director of Monetary Policy Division


ELÍAS ALBAGLI I. Is the Director of Central Bank of Chile´s Monetary Policy Division, since  August 2018. Previously, he was Director of Central Bank of Chile´s Research Division since June 2018. Previously he was Manager of Modeling and Economic Analysis of the Bank, (December 2014 through June 2018).

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business and a Master’s in Financial Economics from the Catholic University of Chile (2002), where he received the best graduating student award.. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University in 2010.

Previously he worked in the Central Bank’s Economic Research Division, most recently as a senior economist (June 2013 to November 2014) and also as an economic analyst (2002–2005). He was an assistant professor of Economics and Finance at the University of Southern California from 2010 to 2013.

Mr. Albagli has taught courses on Financial Markets and Macroeconomics at different institutions, including the Economics Department at the Catholic University of Chile and the Economics and Business Management Department at the University of Chile. He currently teaches the seminar "Planetary limits and economic development".