Derivative instruments are contracts in which two parties agree to carry out an exchange in the future on an underlying asset, at a specific price and date. These allow economic agents to make investments and/or hedges against fluctuations in exchange rates, interest rates and commodities, among others. On the other hand, a spot transaction corresponds to a purchase or sale of currency carried out in cash.

The Chilean Financial Derivatives Market Report presents information on the FX, interest rate and inflation derivatives transactions carried out by resident banking institutions, broken down by counterparty sector, term, instrument and price.

From November 2023, the Chilean Financial Derivatives Market Report replaces the Monthly Derivatives and Spot Market Statistics Report. For inquiries, contact


Related Informations

Methodologies and studies

/ Board Agreements/ Regulations

2617-02-240125 – Convocar al concurso público de antecedentes que le corresponde realizar al Consejo del Banco Central de Chile en los términos establecidos en el Decreto Ley N° 211, de 1973, cuyo texto refundido, coordinado y sistematizado se contiene en el D.F.L N° 1, de 2004, del Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Reconstrucción, con el objeto de proveer un cargo de Ministro Titular Abogado y uno de Ministro Titular Economista del Tribunal de Defensa de Libre Competencia.

25 January 2024

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/ Board Agreements/ Regulations

2617-04-240125 – Modifica el Capítulo III.D.3 del Compendio de Normas Financieras “Sistema Integrado de Información sobre Transacciones de Derivados (SIID)”

30 January 2024

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/ Circulars/ Regulations

3013-940 Modificaciones al Reglamento Operativo del Sistema Integrado de Información sobre Transacciones de Derivados (SIID)

30 January 2024

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/ Research-Papers/ Publications

Studies in Economic Statistics N° 106: The Chilean Foreign Exchange Market, an International Comparison: 1998 to 2013

31 May 2014

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/ Publications/ Research-Papers

Studies in Economic Statistics N° 118: Derivados de Tipo de Cambio por Sector Financiero: El Caso de Chile

23 August 2016

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