Francisco Ruiz

Macroeconomic Statistics


FRANCISCO RUIZ ABURTO has been appointed Manager of Macroeconomic Statistics of the Central Bank of Chile as from 24th July 2008. 
Mr. Ruiz graduated in business studies from the University of Chile in 1992 and as statistical economist from the École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Économique (ENSAE) in Paris.
He joined the Central Bank in September 2001 as an economist of the Statistical Research and Information Management and then in 2002 became Head of the National Accounts Department of the Central Bank, the position he held until his recent appointment.
Mr. Ruiz had previously been an economic analyst of the Studies and Coordination Department of the National Statistics Office and economic analyst of the International Economic Relations Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He has also worked in the academic area teaching courses on Econometrics and Monetary Economics at the Finis Terrae University and the Diego Portales University.