
Fifth Statistics Conference

"Information to unlock the future"

September 26-27, 2023
Intercontinental Hotel, Santiago, Chile
Language: English, and Spanish translation available, along with transmission in both languages on the YouTube channel of the Central Bank of Chile

For more information, please contact the organizers

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Opening remarks

 Rosanna Costa - Governor, Central Bank of Chile

Keynote speech

Paul Schreyer, Chief Statistician and Director of Statistics and Data Directorate, OECD
Granular, timely and beyond GDP: thoughts on the new statistical landscape

Session 1: Measuring the Digital Economy  Chair: Stephany Griffith-Jones, Board Member, Central Bank of Chile

Measuring the U.S. Digital Economy: Current Progress and Ongoing Research

Tina Highfill, Senior Research Economist, BEA

Incorporating the Economic Value of Data into the System of National Accounts

John Mitchell, National Accountant, OECD

The Digital Economy and Productivity.

David M. Byrne, Principal Economist Industrial Output Section, FED Board

Digital economy measurement: Challenges and Opportunities

Martha Tovar, Senior Economist, IMF


Session 2: Artificial Intelligence: Applications at Central Banks Chair: Bruno Tissot, Head of Statistics and Research Support, BIS and Head of the Secretariat, Irving Fisher Committee (IFC)

The AI Revolution: Present and Near Future

Álvaro Soto, Head of National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA)

Trustworthy AI

Maciej Brzezinski, Head of the European Central Bank Data Office, ECB

Artificial Intelligence and Credit Risk: Accuracy vs. Interpretability

José Manuel Carbó. Senior Economist, Financial Innovation Division, Banco de España


Session 3 panel discussion: Natural Capital Chair: Sofía Bauducco, Manager of Economic Studies, Central Bank of Chile

Measuring the Environmental Goods and Services Sector in the U.S

Scott Wentland, Senior Research Economist, Office of the Chief Economist, BEA

How the Environmental Accounts Can Be Used in the Decision-Making Process

Mónica Rodríguez Z., Executive, Environmental Statistics Area, Banco Central de Costa Rica

Economic and environmental accounts in Chile: insights and challenges

Enrique Calfucura, Senior Economist, Macroeconomic Statistics, Central Bank of Chile Q&A

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Keynote speech

Mário Centeno, Governor, Banco de Portugal Information to unlock policies

Session 4: Data Governance and Communication Chair: Luis Felipe Céspedes, Board Member, Central Bank of Chile

Data Governance

Sandra Cannon, Data Management Expert, Cannon Analytics, Robert Gordon University

Statflix: a Banco de Portugal’s Original Series

Luís Teles, Deputy Director, Statistics Department, Banco de Portugal

New Channels, New Approaches, New Data Formats

Fernando Rocha, Head of Statistics Department, Banco Central do Brasil

Opportunities and Challenges of Social Media

Aldo Mascareño, Senior Researcher, Centro de Estudios Públicos (CEP)


Session 5 panel discussion: Challenges and Opportunities of New Information Chair: Pablo García, Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Chile

Paul Schreyer, Chief Statistician and Director of Statistics and Data Directorate, OECD
Bruno Tissot, Head of Statistics and Research Support, BIS and Head of the Secretariat, Irving Fisher Committee (IFC)
Maciej Brzezinski, Head of the European Central Bank Data Office, ECB
Ricardo Vicuña, National Director, National Statistics Institute of Chile (INE)


Concluding remarks

Gloria Peña, Statistics Director, Central Bank of Chile
