
CBCh-CEBRA Workshop on Commodities & Macroeconomics


Fecha y horario: Jueves 1 y Viernes 2 de octubre 2020
Lugar: Online a través de la plataforma Webex 
Para más información, puede escribir a CEBRA2020@bcentral.cl   

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

Welcoming Words

Andres Fernandez (Central Bank of Chile).

The Interplay between Oil and Food Commodity Prices: Has It Changed over Time?

Gert Peersman (Ghent University), Sebastian K. Rüth (Heidelberg University), Wouter Van der Veken (Ghent University).

Discussant: Francisco Arroyo-Marioli (Central Bank of Chile). Q&A 

The Extensive and Intensive Margin of Price Adjustment to Commodity Cost Shocks: Evidence from Danish Multiproduct Firms

Luca Dedola (European Central Bank), Mark S. Kristoffersen (Fagbevægelsens Hovedorganisation), Gabriel Zullig (Danmarks Nationalbank, University of Copenhagen).

Discussant: Matt Klepacz (Federal Reserve Board). Q&A

Does Drawing Down the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Help Stabilize Oil Prices?

Lutz Kilian (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas), Xiaoqing Zhou (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas).

Discussant : Fabrizio Venditti (European Central Bank). Q&A

Does the Commodity Super Cycle Matter?


Martin Uribe (Columbia University).

Chair: Mario Marcel, President of the Central Bank of Chile.

Martin Uribe (Columbia University).

Friday, October 2nd, 2020

Welfare Gains from Market Insurance: The Case of Mexican Oil Price Risk

Chang Ma (Fudan University), Fabian Valencia (International Monetary Fund)

Discussant: Arief Ramayandi (Asian Development Bank). Q&A

Terms of Trade Shocks are Not all Alike

Federico Di Pace (Bank of England), Luciana Juvenal (International Monetary Fund), Ivan Petrella (Warwick Business School).

Discussant: Stephanie Schmitt Grohe (Columbia University). Q&A

Mining for Oil Forecasts

Charles W. Calomiris (Columbia Business School), Nida Cakir Melek (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City), Harry Mamayski (Columbia Business School).

Discussant: Kateryna Holland (University of Missouri). Q&A

Closing Remarks

Deepa Datta (Federal Reserve Board).

