Publicaciones en revistas

Listado de artículos escritos por los investigadores del Banco Central de Chile en publicaciones especializadas.

Autores / Publicaciones
Albagli, E., Ceballos, L., Claro, S., &, Romero, D. (2024). “UIP deviations: Insights from event studies”. Journal of International Economics, 148, 103877.

Alfaro, R., &, Goldberger, N. (2024). “FX-hedging for Latin American investors”. Emerging Markets Review, 59, 101117.

Andreasen, E., Bauducco, S., &, Dardati, E. (2024). “Capital controls and firm performance”. Journal of International Economics, 103897.

Beltrán, F., &, Coble, D. (2024). “Monetary policy surprises on the banking sector: The role of the information and pure monetary shocks”. Latin American Journal of Central Banking, 5(3), 100127.

Cárdenas, M., Madeira, C., Morales-Resendiz, R., Musa, M., Sanclemente, M., &, Sanz-Bunster, L. (2024). “Tiered access in RTGS systems: A DLT-based approach”. Latin American Journal of Central Banking, 5(1), 100116.

Castro, J. F., &, Villacorta, L. (2024). “Too Hard, Too Easy, or Just Right: The Productivity of Schooling and the Match between Child Skill and School Complexity”. The World Bank Economic Review, lhae013.

Durand, L., &, Fornero, J. A. (2024). “Estimating the output gap in times of COVID-19”. Latin American Journal of Central Banking, 100129.

Fornero, J., Kirchner, M., &, Molina, C. (2024). “Estimating shadow policy rates in a small open economy and the role of foreign factors”. Journal of International Money and Finance, 140, 102972.

Madeira, C. (2024). “The effect of the Covid pension withdrawals and the Universal Guaranteed Pension on the income of the future retirees and its fiscal costs”. Latin American Journal of Central Banking, 5(3), 100122.

Pasten, E., Schoenle, R., &, Weber, M. (2024). “Sectoral heterogeneity in nominal price rigidity and the origin of aggregate fluctuations”. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 16(2), 318-352.  ,